Indus Valley

Indus Valley Review
These people are a civilization from the bronze age that lived in the Indus Valley for approximately 700 years. This Indus Valley civilization lived in what is now modern day Pakistan and Northern India near the Indus river. This civilization developed over 5000 years ago and they had more than 1,400 towns and cities in the Indus valley. Also around 80,000 people lived in the Indus Valley which called for a great government that can house that many people in an organized fashion.
One problem they had was that the monsoons were always unpredictable which could mean an unpredictable flood from the Indus river. A solution to that problem would be to always have levees and dams to block the water from flooding the farms and the city. Another problem was that the monsoon winds would wilt the crops away and people would go hungry. A solution would be to create a storage building to put the grain in so the people could eat the food in the winter when it is cold and windy. This civilization has created levees just like every other civilization that has had flooding problems, but no one has thought of the idea to create storage for their grain partly because it might not be as cold and windy also because the Indus people are very innovative.
The Harappan/Indus civilization is known to worship cattle and Shiva as well as being the people first people to shape early Hindu beliefs because of artifacts they found at the site of the Indus city. In my opinion free time is the Harappans most important because they would make toys for kids all the time and that is mostly what the archaeologists found at the site. The Home of the Harappan civilization were made of mud bricks and most of the houses were built on top of each other. The Indus Valley was not really divided into social classes because every house only had a certain amount of room for each house. Just about all the economy of the Indus valley was based on farming and trading because that was just about everything they had.
I would say that The Indus civilization had a strong government because the city was well planned out with grid lines and every house had the same amount of space for organization throughout the city. The streets were just the right width for people to go both ways left more space for the granaries, the great bath, and an assembly hall. One reason they had a strong government was because they made the city with rectangular blocks and parallel streets. The second reason is that they used standard sized bricks for all the buildings and they oven baked them so they wouldn’t turn to mud when it rained in the summer monsoon season. The last reason is that they had a city wide plumbing system that was unequalled until Rome.

Hinduism, CommisCEO global,, 17 Jamuary 2018
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Buddhism, Facts,
X&ved=0ahUKEwjW2MOi6t_YAhVFX60KHUfFD1wQ_B0IpAEwDw, 17 January 2018
H and B comparison
         We think that the Indus valley could have been attacked, the river changed course, or they overused their soil. Some factors that contributed to their decline were that they overused their soil, nomadic tribes took over their city because the Indus valley didn’t have many weapons or an army, or the tectonic plates caused the river to move which meant they didn’t have much water. We don’t know exactly what caused their final end, but most people think it was that the tectonic plates caused the river to move which meant they had to move too. Some major influences the Harappan civilization have on modern India and Pakistan are that they started Hinduism, their bathing methods, domestication of Fowl, and growing cotton.
indus valley, wikimedia,, 7 January 2018
            Hinduism and Buddhism are very different, but have some similarities. The first one is that they both seek enlightenment for the afterlife. The second reason is they both believe that good and bad karma is a part of your afterlife. Lastly, Reincarnation is a big part of you afterlife for both sides.
            One way the Hindus are different from the Buddhists is that the Hindus have gods and the Buddhists do not. Also the Buddhists escaped the caste system and the Hindus strengthened it. The third way is the Buddhists have a founder and the Hindus have o record of a founder. The last way is that the Buddhists have a different goal than the Hindus.

            The key beliefs for the Hindus is to worship Brahman, Brahma, Vishnu, Ganesha, Shiva, and etc. and they don’t have any other leaders except gods. The Hindus attitude toward the caste system is like Sumer where the wealthy rule and the untouchables can’t be touched. The Buddhist beliefs include listening to the Buddha and the Buddhists attitude toward the caste system is the Buddhists trying to escape it. The sacred texts of the Hindus are the Upanishads, Tripitaka and the eightfold path. The ultimate goal for the Hindus is to unite your soul with Brahman. The goal of the Buddhists is to become enlightened like the Buddha.