
What I Learned About Learning
          I learned that the teacher is not responsible for my learning because we are the people that turn in the homework just like the scavenger hunt where we went around the room looking for things we knew about and didn't know about, we did it to figure out how much we knew about ancient history. I learned that We don’t learn all the same way because we start at different times and we think in different perspectives, also we did it because we wanted to think outside the box because we don’t want the same answer as everyone else. The key to getting a good education and learning is to listen to the teacher and soak up what they say and we do it to really understand the work you do in class and at home. Failure is not bad because we learned that failing is your first attempt at learning and that means you are trying. We do not need to complete every task assigned because somethings we don’t know so we need to learn them and you will never finish learning because we learn new things every day. We should share what we learn so that we can spread knowledge across the world. We can't do what we want to do because then we will never learn and never get good things in life like jobs. Frustration plays a part where you might fail and get mad about it, but it is okay because it is your attempt at learning, then you can come in the next day and get the idea.
Image result for what I learned about learning
what I learned, successify, https://i1.wp.com/successify.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/leanred-from.jpg, 25 September 2017
Image result for 3 rules
rules of ancient history, grouphigh, https://www.grouphigh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/The-Rules.jpg, 25 September 2017
Rules of Ancient History Class
The first rule of ancient history class is important because it helps you learn about the right things and not the lies about history. Also the teacher wants you to come up with the right answer that is true. The second rule is important because you should dig deeper and think outside the box to get the right answer so you can get a good grade. Another reason is because the teacher wants you to try and not just copy and paste. The third rule is important because you need to come up with answers on your own and not just use the web and books. Also you need to look for the right way to find the right answer and to not just rush through the assignment. All these rules were very important because we had to study and memorize them for a quiz . After the quiz we had learned the three very important rules for Ancient history
Image result for problems
problems of interpretation, st. mark Lincoln, http://www.stmarklincoln.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/problem.jpg, 25 September 2017

Problems of Interpretation
  For some of the ancient history class we went over problems of interpretation. One of the assignments was about an archaeologist who made some misinterpretations about all the artifacts she found in a sporting goods store. We also read a book called the motel of the mysteries which was a satire about Howard Carter finding king tut's tomb, but in a motel instead of in Egypt. In my opinion we read these silly stories so we could get a better understanding of what archaeologists really do, which is make inferences about what their artifacts are. For homework in Ancient history class we had to make our own archaeological inferences about different objects from all different times in the past. Some of the objects were cultural and some of them could have been from the Neolithic age. After we finished we had learned that most of the time archaeologists just make guesses on what they find because there were no records that  tell you what it was used for.