Ancient Greece

Socrates Essay
Before this trial of Socrates started the Persian wars had ended because all of the Greek city states joined together to fight a common enemy. They Athenians won the last battle against the Persians because they tricked the Persians into the Salamis bay and destroyed their whole army.
After the Persian wars the Athenians went through a Golden Age and Athens had made great art,
discovered new math, and had an explosion in culture. The Athenians created Delian league to
be ready for the next Persian attack, but after a while the Delian league was taken over by Athens
and turned into Athenian Empire which started the Peloponnesian War. The Peloponnesian came
after the Persian wars had ended and during Athens golden age. The Athenians were getting beat
on land because the Spartans had a great army, so the Athenians decided to move all the people
of Athens inside the city walls. The only bad thing about that was the Athenians lost 1/3 of their
people due to the plague including their great leader Pericles. After that Athens was forced to
surrender and the terms of surrender included what Athens was the best at doing. The terms of
surrender were to lose democracy, their Navy, tear down wall to get food from Piraeus, and
Athens lost their empire. After the war Sparta installed the council of 30 which led Athens, but
the council of thirty was lead by people from Sparta and they killed innocent people for no
reason. The Athenians had to negotiate with Sparta to get their democracy back, when they got it
back it was weak and vulnerable, and the Athenians could not accuse any of the helpers for
Sparta in the war.
                        Although Socrates was blamed for some things that were true he didn’t deserve
the death penalty. I believe that because there are some hidden reasons for the trial that I will go over. The first hidden reason was the Peloponnesian war when Athens got everything taken away from the Spartans including Alcibiades who was a student of Socrates. Another reason was when they lost their golden age because of the same reason they lost everything. Lastly the Spartans put in the council of thirty to rule Athens and they were ruthless. They blamed Socrates for this because 2 of the 30 rulers were students of Socrates. Socrates was a scape goat for Athens, but after he died the Athenians felt bad and they felt as if the death penalty was wrong.
            Next I want to talk about the Actual trial and the specifics about it. The people that were there were Meletus, Anytus, Lycon, Plato, 501 Jurors, Xanthippe, an Archon, and a guard. The People who spoke were Meletus, Anytus, Lycon (the three accusers), Socrates, and the Archon. The Actual trial was different than our mock trial because neither Plato or Charaephon spoke in the real trial, Socrates was guilty, there were more Jurors in the real trial, and the Archon didn’t fall of his chair. After the trial was over Socrates was given the death penalty and drank hemlock for his death. 
            After the Trial ended there was a religious festival on Delos so no body could die during that time. Socrates had to wait for the ship to get back so he could drink his poison. After Socrates died the Athenians regretted their decision and killed the three accusers. (Meletus, Lycon, and Anytus) It is thought that Meletus was either killed by public stoning or he was hanged along with the other two accusers. The accusers became so unpopular that no one would light their fires, answer their questions, or bathe in the same water with them. The best account of Socrates’ trial was from the writings of Plato.
Image result for Archon greece
Archon, Heritage History,, 11 May 2018
            Even though I didn’t vote I was on the side of Socrates because I was persuaded by Socrates and Plato. In Plato’s speech he talked about how it was not Socrates who influenced his students to do bad things, but it was the students choice. That influenced my decision because Socrates does not make his students become drunkards, terrible rulers, or traitors it is the decision of the student. Next was Socrates and he talked about how atheism is not against the law and how he attended all the religious ceremonies. Also he talked about what Plato said concerning the students choices. In the end Socrates influenced my decision because everything he said was true and that it was not his fault or against the law.

Image result for socrates
Socrates, Britannica,,  11 May 2018