prehistory, Archaeosoup, http://archaeosoup.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Prehistory.jpg, 1 November 2017 |
Prehistory means, before written records and the time period of prehistory is the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and the Neolithic ages. Three things we did as a class during the prehistory unit are that we went on a virtual field trip spelunking in Lascaux, Chauvet, and Altamira which are all caves. Also we watched an Ape Man Video and did a paper with questions about the video including what happened. Another thing we did was make a timeline with all the things we had talked about so far like the different ages, what happened during the time period, and what hominids lived during the different time periods. My favorite activity was the virtual spelunking because it was an activity with a group and it was easy to do.The most important thing I learned from this unit was the different ages because without knowing that I would't know much about prehistory. I invite you to look at my prehistory page to look at my summaries and essays if you want to know more about this topic.